
A chance to display your technical skills outside the virtual constraints. Build your project, meet the requirements, and go head to head with other skilled builders in the Outdoor competitions!

Venue - B-C Wing OTS AMTICS

Faculty Coordinator:

1. Mr. Kavindra Patel
2. Ms. Vibhuti Patel

Water Walker:

No professional equipment, limited resources, limited time, and one single goal: WIN,
Build a boat from scratch and Race against the other boaters! Propel your boat through the water, taking you closer to the Prize!

Event Coordinator:

1. Aditya Rajpurohit - 9428456057
2. Ridham Patel - 9664752411


Always look up, aim high, at least that is what our teachers taught us… So now is the chance to apply it and build a Rocket that goes as high as the eye can see! Make a rocket, give it a huge flight and take home a great prize!

Event Coordinator:

1. Mayank Sharma - 9904051493
2. Dhyan Moradiya - 7405353884



A registration desk shall be set up in the BC wing for the collection of payments.